The holidays are merry and bright for many people. But, for some, they are a sad time of the year. Growing up, I never understood why my Grandma Shirley always felt melancholy around the holidays. But, as an adult, I realize she was an empath.
Her mind was on families missing their loved ones who passed, people that didn’t have enough to eat and folks that were alone during this festive time. Her heart poured out to everyone who was in a state of lack and it really drained her energy during the month of December.
We can not control other people’s conditions and prevent them from suffering. The ONLY thing we can do is control ourselves. The condition of our external environment is a direct reflection of our internal environment. Our power to change the world comes from our ability to regulate emotions within.
Do a quick check of your current condition. If you magnified the state of your mind at this very moment by 10,000X would you create peace or war? Just one angry mind duplicated 100X can cause a riot. And, on the flip side, one peaceful mind 100 fold can start a movement to save the world. Your thoughts are so powerful.
So, as we wind down 2019 and bring another decade to a close, lets work together to create all the causes for peace and prosperity in 2020.
This week’s 16-minute FREE Floor, Hatha yoga class, Yoga for Peace, is all about intentionally inviting peace into your inside and outside world. Through asana, pranayama and visualization, you will cultivate peace for all living beings in the New Year and beyond.
Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to engage in this powerful practice to develop universal peace. Wishing you all the best for the holidays and pure love and light in the New Year. Enjoy!#yogawithmeditationmutha#meditationmutha
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