The holidays have always been an exciting time for me and my family. And it has been particularly special the past ten years, experiencing the magic through my daughter’s eyes. It seems like from Halloween until New Year’s, it’s like a holiday bonanza at our home.
Although I have always enjoyed the festivities, decorating and gift buying, not long ago I started finding myself totally exhausted by the time we toasted in the New Year. Running around from errand to errand, party to party trying to make the holidays perfect wiped me out.
As people got ramped up for the upcoming holiday season, I started observing nature slowing down around me. Animals were hibernating, plants died back and things naturally came to a pause for the winter season. I questioned why people were running around celebrating when the rest of the natural world was winding down and resting.
Ayurveda, the sister science to yoga, recommends during the winter months we should follow the patterns of nature by decreasing our energy expenditure, staying warm and nourishing our soul.
As the year draws to a close and the winter season begins, embrace natures message of slowing down, resting and conserving your energy. Instead of rushing around with the crowds, try curling up in front of a fire and reading a book. In place of hopping from one fiesta to the next, put on some fluffy socks and enjoy a bowl of savory soup at home in your PJ’s.
I have put these tips into my own holiday practice and now I find myself more rejuvenated and peaceful as I bring in the New Year. Wishing you lots of love, laughs and joy for the holiday season!
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