Waking Up with Pure Gratitude – Yoga with Meditation Mutha We have had some chilly mornings in Texas the past couple of days. The kind that make you want to stay in bed in… Continue Reading →
Honoring Your Roots – Yoga with Meditation Mutha I have a dear friend, Nuala, who I’ve known more than 40-years. She used to live down the street from me growing up. We spent endless… Continue Reading →
Stoking Your Fire – Yoga with Meditation Mutha I was so disappointed to only get five trick-or-treaters this year, when we normally get 50 kids. Austin had the coldest Halloween on record since… Continue Reading →
Getting Back to Yourself – Yoga with Meditation Mutha Bali was absolutely extraordinary and I highly recommend for anyone who loves a warm, embracing culture, colorful fresh food and stunning landscapes to visit… Continue Reading →
The Secret to the Fountain of Youth – Yoga with Meditation Mutha Scott and I are just finishing an incredible adventure in beautiful Bali. I feel so honored to be a part of the inspirational Big Picture… Continue Reading →
Building Your Tribe – Yoga with Meditation Mutha I write to you feeling high as a kite from spending an incredibly exhilarating weekend with a powerful group of women at this years… Continue Reading →
An Unlikely Friendship Penny and I lived across the street from each other for years. Our friendship started after her husband of more than 65-years passed away… Continue Reading →
Resiliency – Yoga with Meditation Mutha It has felt like I have been holding my breath for three weeks and finally had the opportunity to take a sigh of relief… Continue Reading →
Connecting from the Heart – Yoga with Meditation Mutha Since making our way back from a year-long trip around the world, I have been slowly reconnecting with friends who I haven’t seen in… Continue Reading →
Elevating Your Vibration My great friend Lisa was in town this weekend and we had such a fun time reminiscing about 20+ years of friendship. One of… Continue Reading →