When I was growing up, my Grandma Fay and Grandpa Norman always made birthdays a big deal. We would get together with family to celebrate the occasion and they would shower the birthday kid with gifts galore. To top it off, they always gave a present to my Mom, saying “This is actually your mother’s birthday, because it’s the day SHE gave birth to you.” As I got older and had a child of my own, I’ve reflected on those words and they have so much meaning to me now.
We just celebrated my favorite day of the year, my daughter Kayla’s birthday. It’s been a tradition, that on her special day, I read her birth story to her. Although at the ripe age of 13, she’s not that into it any more and I get a mega eye roll when I mention it.
Scott and I hired a doula to be in the hospital room with us on that magical day, because we were brand new to the “having a baby thing” and had no idea what we were doing. We were so fortunate to have Amy Nyland by our side, assisting us with the process. In addition to her fabulous support, she gave us the incredible gift of Kayla’s birth story written as she observed the events throughout the day.
A segment that she wrote, “Kayla, it was a true honor to be at your birth. The connection and love between your parents was so strong, and the energy in the room was amazing. You were welcomed onto this earth with all the love and hope in your mama and daddy’s hearts.”
I read this to Kayla, because I want her to know that she was brought into this world surrounded by pure love and light. Your birth story might be a gorgeous entry onto this planet or an absolute chaotic mess, where your mother delivered you in the back seat of a car on the way to the hospital. Or maybe you don’t know your birth story or even your mother. It doesn’t matter.
What’s important is that we provide assurance to our spirit/soul that it was welcomed into this human existence with arms wide open. This is our opportunity to release any old stories that no longer serve us and recreate ideal conditions for your spirit to flourish.
This week’s 21-minute FREE Floor Yoga Class, Yoga for Developing Your Birth Story, is all about honoring your birth in the deepest sense. Through asana, visualization, breath work and meditation, you will be given the opportunity to create a birth story that matches the incredible being that is YOU!
Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to enter into existence with grace. Enjoy! #yogawithmeditationmutha #meditationmutha
Please SUBSCRIBE to the Yoga with Meditation Mutha YouTube channel to be the first to receive new weekly videos.

“Living in the Moment with Kim & Scott Goyette”
Extra Pack of Peanuts Podcast
If you haven’t checked it out already, Scott and I had such a fun time being interviewed about our year-long trip around the world by Travis Sherry with the “Extra Pack of Peanuts” podcast. He caught us at the very tail end of the adventure and captured a lot of emotion and reflection about our journey. If you ever thought of taking some time off for long term travel or you’re interested in learning about some of the hilarious stories that happened along the way, click on the link above to check it out. It’s pretty entertaining! #extrapackofpeanuts #goyetteworldadventure
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