The second half of our year-long adventure around the world brought a lot more vagabonding and movement than the first 6-months. It seemed like every 5-7 days we exploring a new city or country with lots of sightseeing and activity. If you have ever taken a trip where you visited one attraction after the other, then you have experienced needing a vacation after your vacation. Now imagine living an entire year in discovery. Every different destination brought on the urge to explore all the nooks and crannies, food, history and places-of-interest for each local culture. We often felt the need to rush out and experience all the varied things each country had to offer. But, you wouldn’t be on the go 24/7 in your “normal” life and it’s absolutely impossible to sustain that kind of energy on the road. So, as a method for sanity, we had to plan for weekly intentional downtime. Therefore, in a city filled with tourist attractions like Paris, you might find our family of three relaxing at the hotel all day watching a movie. Or at some of the most pristine beaches in the world, you could catch us playing board games in the room. You might think this is a wasted opportunity to explore a country. But, I am here to tell you that being intermittently idle is a necessary tactic for survival. Whether you are long-term traveling or just living your daily routine, relaxation is paramount if you want to thrive. Our bodies and minds were not meant to be on overdrive 24/7. Both entities need a little R & R to boost vitality and enjoy life to the fullest. We used to feel guilty “wasting” a day to recover from travel or exploration. Now, we look forward to carving out some time from our busy schedule for nourishment and rejuvenation. This week’s 23-minute FREE Yin Yoga Class, Yin Yoga for Recharging, is all about taking time out to fill your cup. Yin Yoga provides an opportunity to pause, reflect and reset. This class will increase energy while calming the mind.
Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to nourish yourself. Enjoy! #yogawithmeditationmutha #meditationmutha
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Need to hit the reset button? We would love for you to join us for our 10th annual Costa Rica Yoga Retreat coming up June 29th – July 6th, 2019. This is an incredible, week-long opportunity to connect deeply with yourself and nature. Check out the retreat video and click below for details. See you in Costa Rica!
Recharging on the Road – Yoga with Meditation Mutha

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