When I was little, I had a really hard time with change. I remember my parents had a bright orange retro couch (super stylish in the 70’s) and I loved to snuggle up with my blankie on it to read board books. And some of my fondest memories are of the whole family sitting on that couch in front of a fire on a cold New York evening listening to Billy Joel.
I was very attached to that couch because it reminded me of all the comforts of home. So, you can imagine my absolute horror when my parents announced they were trading good-old-orange for a modern upgrade. I was panicked and threw myself down on the cushions to cry for hours.
I believe my parents thought I was a little insane, but showed extreme compassion for my mission to “Save the Couch!”. So, they did what any brilliant parentals would do, and put it downstairs in the basement so I could cuddle on it to my hearts content. Of course, my passion and focus on that special piece of furniture lasted about 2-days and then I forgot about. And suddenly, without me even noticing, it disappeared forever.
Over the years, luckily, I’ve learned to lighten up on the attachment thing. My eventual revelation about life being a continuous chain of change helped me to not only make it through transitions in my life, but actually enjoy them.
Buddhist’s believe in the concept of impermanence. Although things may feel everlasting, nothing in this existence is eternal. We live each day maneuvering through the endless ebb and flow of life. We need to understand that the nature of our being will always reside between things coming together and falling apart.
And when we grasp that idea, we can ride out any storm because we comprehend it is only temporary. And, we can truly enjoy each blissful moment because we know it is only temporary.
This week’s 26-minute FREE Hatha Flow yoga class is all about riding the breath on each posture to create a movement meditative state. By focusing on the ebb and flow of our breath during Sun Salutations, we can recognize the natural state of constant change in our lives.
Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to release to the sacred truth of continuous change and allow yourself to flow through life’s transitions with ease. Enjoy#yogawithmeditationmutha#meditationmutha
Please SUBSCRIBE to the Yoga with Meditation Mutha YouTube channel to be the first to receive new weekly videos.
Looking to get grounded in ritual and ceremony? Come join me this February for a Sacred Cacao Ceremony to honor LOVE. Registration now OPEN!
And check out below for three more exciting retreats coming up in 2020!

Women’s Sacred Cacao Ceremony to Honor Love
Southwest Austin
Thursday, February 13th, 2020
Click for Details!

Women’s Spring Weekend Wellness Retreat
“Stepping into Your Creative Power”
Ruby Ranch Lodge
Buda, Texas
April 24th-26th, 2020
Click for Details and to Register TODAY!

Costa Rica Yoga Retreat
Anamaya Resort
July 18th-25th, 2020
Click for Details!

Lotus Ranch
Wimberley, Texas
October 9th-11th, 2020
Click on the link for retreat details!
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