Last weekend, my family had such a fun time getting together to celebrate my Father-in-Law’s 75th birthday. In addition to the “old age” gag gifts, one of his favorite things was when we surprised him with a real live mermaid appearance.
The weekend was filled with lots of laughter and quality time. But, the one thing I noticed about my family is no matter what subject we are talking about, the conversation always ends up diverting to talk about poop and farts. You would think that at our age this type of jabber would be boring. But, we always revert to our 3rd grade selves and end up in hysterical fits of laughter.
A weekend filled with poop dialogue and eating lots of junk got me thinking about digestion during the hot summer months. You would think that external heat would help rev up your metabolism and get your digestive fire roaring. But, if it’s really dry out, like it is in Texas right now, the heat can dehydrate your body. This can make a normally easy “movement” into a full-on act of labor as you try to deliver your “baby”.
Adding a little bit of coconut oil in your coffee or on your food can assist in moving things along. In addition, making certain you are drinking plenty of liquids throughout the day will help you to maintain healthy digestion. You can also add some spice to your life like cayenne or black pepper to get your digestive engine running. And I like to incorporate physical movement into my daily practice which stimulates digestive flow and assures a smooth move.
This week’s 20-minute FREE hatha yoga class, Yoga for Getting Things Moving, is all about revving up your internal fire to enhance digestion for a happy belly and mind. Through asana, breath work and meditation we will increase heat in our core to encourage things that go in to also go out.
Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to nurture your belly and mind. Enjoy! #yogawithmeditationmutha#meditationmutha
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Check out these exciting retreats coming up this fall.
Women’s Weekend Wellness Retreat
Friday October 4th-6th, 2019
Wimberley, Texas
Bali, Indonesia
Saturday October 12th-19th, 2019
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