My husband, Scott, and I spent an incredible weekend at a retreat for our Shaman Apprenticeship training. I truly appreciated the collective energy of this beautiful group as we opened up our connection with nature and beyond.
We did several drum journeys where we relied on our Spirit Animal to seek answers to heart-centered questions. An Animal Guide or Animal Totem is characterized as a teacher or messenger that comes in the form of an animal and has a personal relationship to an individual. Often times, the features of your Spirit Animal may resemble characteristics found in you.
For instance, one of my Spirit Guides is the Red-Tailed Hawk. And, like this determined creature, when it comes to getting things done, I have singled-pointed, full steam ahead focus until the project is complete. Sometimes this is to my detriment. But, the majority of the time, this quality helps me to manifest my creations.
Most of us have a Birth Power Animal that stays with us for life and helps us along this fantastic journey. You can rely on your Birth Power Animal to provide messages of strength in times of need. Your special connection to this creature can conjure up feelings of safety, groundedness and even POWER!
This week’s 21-minute FREE Hatha Yoga Class, Yoga for Elevating your Power, is all about revving up your internal energy. Through postures like chair pose, plank and Warrior II and Kundalini Breath Work, we will boost our life force and revitalize our spirit. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to turn on your super powers. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to my Yoga with Meditation Mutha Youtube Channel to be the first to receive new, FREE weekly videos. And check out to learn about national and international yoga retreats and events happening this year. Enjoy! #yogawithmeditationmutha#meditationmutha

Come join us for an incredible opportunity to connect with a beautiful group of women at the “Rise and Thrive At-Home Mini Retreat for Women” Saturday, October 17th from 9:30 am -1 pm. Your special escape includes yoga, meditation, chanting, a workshop and cacao ceremony. Only $33! Click HERE to learn more and register TODAY!
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