Years ago, when our daughter Kayla was little, we were invited to Port Aransas on the Texas coast to spend a weekend with our friends at their family beach house. We had such a fun time chilling gulf side in the fresh air with them and their extended family. We all took turns making delicious meals for the group to enjoy.
One morning, as I was preparing some crispy bacon for breakfast, my friend peaked over my shoulder to check out my culinary creation and said “Would you mind not burning your next round of bacon. We like it under cooked.” Of course I agreed, but it took me a moment to comprehend her request.
Both my husband Scott and I come from a long line of crunchy bacon eaters. In fact, our motto is the more burnt the better. Everyone I had ever dined with for breakfast always ordered their bacon extra crispy. So, you could say, over the years, I had surrounded myself with crunchy bacon eaters and thought that was the only way to indulge in this tasty treat. My friend’s request opened my mind to realize there were different perspectives on enjoying this breakfast staple.
This silly analogy can be applied to most scenarios in life. Individually, we have cultivated our own personal beliefs based on our family history and views, and life long experiences and relationships with friends, acquaintances and community. We naturally surround ourselves with like-minded people who have similar values and create our tribe encircled in the comfort of acceptance.
But, just as there are trillions of stars in the sky, there are the same amount of perspectives in the world. Seven and a half billion people on the planet can look at an identical object and provide that equal number of distinctive opinions about it. Each of us was created to view the world through a unique set of lenses. And, that is why there are no wrong perceptions, only different perspectives.
This week’s 18-minute FREE Hatha Yoga Class, Yoga for a Different Perspective, is all about seeing the same thing from a unique view. Through postures that will turn things upside down like Side Plank and Flip the Dog, we will use multiple lenses to better understand the world around us. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to observe the planet from an alternate view.
Please subscribe to my Yoga with Meditation Mutha Youtube Channel to be the first to receive new, FREE weekly videos. And check out to learn about national and international yoga retreats and events happening this year. Enjoy! #yogawithmeditationmutha#meditationmutha

***A special thanks to all the fabulous ladies that attended the “Rise and Thrive” At-Home Mini Retreat. I am so grateful to everyone who showed up with open hearts to experience their full potential!