Despite the rattling atrocity that recently occurred at our country’s capitol, I am very hopeful for 2021. Last year at this time, my energy was so low I could barely get out of bed, let alone create anything. My motivation was zapped and I felt a disheartening sensation throughout the month of January. Maybe, some how, I sensed what was to come in 2020.
But, at the start of the New Year, I made several intentional efforts to liven my own internal energy to avoid the past year’s rut. On day one, I embarked on a 31-day meditation challenge on Insight Timer to keep me on track with my meditation practice. I visualized myself being healthy, energized and excited for the things to come. And, I started a 21-day Standard Process cleanse, focusing the majority of my intake on organic fruits and vegetables, which is a big shift from my menus of the past.
I am happy to report that ten days into the New Year my meditation practice is going strong and I took the best poop of my life! That’s right, nothing like taking a perfect doody to make you come alive. I feel great!
And, I know that this fabulous feeling is not just coming from within. I sense a huge shift in the world and the universe. People are awakening. And, this transformational time is the prime opportunity to choose who you want to be. How do you want to show up to the world?
Do you want to live under the pretenses of lack and fear? Or, do you want to soar to your potential? You were given an incredible gift. It’s YOU! Now, step up to your highest self and into your light!
Need a little help? Excellent, I have THREE awesome ways to put a little fire under your butt and get you moving on your path.

I am excited to announce the newest meditation release on Insight Timer, “What Can I Become?”. This guided meditation with music will take you on a journey through your lower chakras to dream big, visualize your limitless potential and manifest abundance in your life. It will inspire you to answer the boundless question, “What can I become?” Just click the link, download the app and set up a FREE account. In addition to this meditation, you will have access to more than 40,000 free meditations. If you enjoyed my meditation, I would be honored if you left a rating and comment when prompted upon completion. Happy meditating!
This week’s 22-minute Hatha Yoga Class, Yoga for Inspiring Motivation, is a challenging class focused on core strength to get your engine going. Through postures like modified side plank and forearm plank, we will generate heat and ignite your internal flame to turn on your your creative flow. This class is for every level of yogi, as modifications are demonstrated for each posture. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to gain momentum and launch on your path towards your desires. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the Yoga with Meditation Mutha Youtube Channel to be the first to receive weekly videos.

Ready to step into your power? My husband and inspirational coach, Scott Goyette, is hosting a phenomenal coaching program you do not want to miss. If you are truly ready and willing to embrace significant growth in 2021, then this program is for YOU!
In each week of this 12-week online program, you will receive tools and strategies that will inspire you and help you to dramatically improve YOUR life. With growth assignments and weekly guided meditations, you will undoubtedly come out of this a changed person – for the better!
If you are serious about enhancing your life by elevating your vibration, contact Scott today at 512-748-0803 or click to learn more and register! Classes start January 18th, 2021. Sign up today to receive a $100 discount off the standard price. Register TODAY!