Transitioning from Vacation Mode Back home Again – Yoga with Meditation Mutha

Taking a vacation is a lovely way to break from the daily stresses of life and step into a space of zero responsibility. It is an opportunity to rejuvenate and reset. The challenge is how to maintain a relaxed mindset when entering back into your daily routine.

After decompressing in Costa Rica for two weeks, we arrived back to the hectic world of home. Catching up on chores, bills and work is always a little stressful when reentering into the “real world”. It is easy to lose a sense of peace when distracted by the pressures of the to-do lists.

How can you bring the calming sense of vacation mode home with you? One technique is to take a snapshot of a peaceful moment during your excursion and reflect on that memory. Another method is to incorporate a gratitude practice that pulls memorable times into your heart. And, a third practice is implementing relaxation breathing into your daily routine. All of these are great tools to bring your vacation home with you!

Come join me for this week’s Quick 8 Minute Stress Release Yoga and help calm your body and mind. Enjoy!

Author – Kim Goyette

This week’s 8 minute Stress Release Yoga is a quick way to let go of tension in the body and mind. Through breathing exercises and movement that targets areas of the body where we hold stress, we will let go of stuck emotions in the body and mind. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to move congestion in your body, mind and spirit. Enjoy!

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