The Science Behind Movement and Joy

Over the years, when the world has felt overwhelming to me, my first go-to remedy to bring myself back into alignment has been movement. I have noticed a complete transformation of my mood, energy and overall well-being by simply taking a walk, going for a run, riding my bike or roller blading even for just a few minutes.

That being said, since the start of 2025 I have significantly upped the anti in the amount of movement I do daily just to offset all of the craziness that is happening in the world today. My husband and I have started a bike gang made up of two members and we try to get out for a ride several times per week. By the end of the ride I can sense all of my stress melting away and I feel like a totally different person from when I started. Movement is an incredibly effective way to decompress and reset.

In those moments when stress tightens its grip, when your mind races and your heart feels burdened, remember something simple yet profound: you were made to move.

Movement is not just about fitness or checking off a to-do list. It’s a way to shake loose the tension that settles in your muscles, to remind your body and mind that they are alive, strong, and capable.

When you move, something magical happens inside of you:

-Endorphins flood your system. These natural mood boosters are your body’s built-in stress relief that help ease anxiety and bring a sense of lightness.

-Cortisol levels drop. Movement lowers the stress hormone responsible for that overwhelming feeling, allowing you to breathe easier.

-Your brain lights up. Physical activity, especially rhythmic movement like walking or running, strengthens neural connections, improving focus and reducing mental fog.

Science has proven time and again that movement is the natural medicine we can access to regulate our system. When stress weighs you down, movement lifts you up. Get moving because you deserve to feel free, light, and alive!

by Kim Goyette

Ever wonder what happens at a Women’s Retreat? Watch the video and get a sneak peek of to experience the magic…

If you have ever felt the pull to say “yes!” to something just for you, this is your sign. Escape to the Texas Hill Country and experience the peak of wildflower season this April for the Women’s Spring Weekend Wellness Retreat. Click the link for details and to reserve your space!

Women’s Spring Wellness Retreat – April 11th-13th, 2025 – Wimberley, Texas

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