Honoring Your Ancestors – Yoga with Meditation Mutha This week is coming up on the anniversary of my dad’s passing. I truly can not believe that it has been a year since… Continue Reading →
Releasing Stuck Emotions – Yoga with Meditation Mutha This past Monday I was feeling unusually emotional. I sat down for a few minutes to contemplate the source and could not come up… Continue Reading →
Self Love is in the Air – Yoga with Meditation Mutha Although many people think Valentine’s Day is a Hallmark Card created holiday, it is one of my favorite days of the year. Maybe it… Continue Reading →
Enlivening Your Being – Yoga with Meditation Mutha This past year my heart has felt like it has been surrounded by a brick wall. Although my Dad’s recent passing had a lot… Continue Reading →
Cleansing the Junk – Yoga with Meditation Mutha I definitely overindulged during the holidays. Unlike my normal, relatively “clean” diet, I ate whatever tasty treat I wanted and partook in several cocktails… Continue Reading →
Bringing Joy into the Holidays – Yoga with Meditation Mutha For many people, the holidays are a time to celebrate and engage in festivities, but for some this can be a very challenging time… Continue Reading →
Maintaining Balance as We Age – Yoga with Meditation Mutha When I was little I used to run around on my tip toes all day long. As I moved into elementary school, gymnastics became… Continue Reading →
Feeling Good – Yoga with Meditation Mutha This past week I had the opportunity to celebrate my best friend Alisa’s 50th birthday. My mom joined us in Cancun for seven days… Continue Reading →
Inviting in the Love – Yoga with Meditation Mutha This week my incredible friend, Heather Neary, hosted a beautiful Dias de Los Muertos event at her sanctuary. I felt called to attend the… Continue Reading →
Having Fun with Your Alter Ego – Yoga with Meditation Mutha If you know me, then you understand I never pass up a chance to get dressed up in a costume. There is something about… Continue Reading →