Opening to Possibility – Yoga with Meditation Mutha Whenever I prepare for holding a retreat I make general plans of how I want the experience to flow. Over the years I have… Continue Reading →
From Africa to Austin – Yoga with Meditation Mutha Through the incredible adventures of our Yoga and Safari Retreat that we held this past February, the group that attended became very close. Our… Continue Reading →
Connecting with a Loved One Who has Passed – Yoga with Meditation Mutha Last Wednesday was the two year anniversary of my dad’s passing. I can not believe he has been gone for that long. I felt… Continue Reading →
Developing Balance – Yoga with Meditation Mutha SXSW is one of my favorite music festivals because you get to experience different bands from all around the world who are trying to… Continue Reading →
Jet Lag Relief – Yoga with Meditation Mutha The Yoga and Safari Retreat at Jet Lag Relief in Tanzania, Africa was such a powerful and surreal experience. It is always challenging for… Continue Reading →
Increasing Your Lifeforce – Yoga with Meditation Mutha I am so completely energized from holding a two week Yoga and Safari Retreat adventure in Tanzania, Africa. This beautiful country has it all.… Continue Reading →
A Journey in Gratitude – Yoga with Meditation Mutha I am in Tanzania, Africa holding a Yoga and Safari Retreat and it has been an eight year dream come true. In 2015 my… Continue Reading →
Heating the Body – Yoga with Meditation Mutha Texas has the craziest weather. Just the other day it hit 80 degrees and within a few hours it dropped down into the 30’s.… Continue Reading →
Observing Your Current State of Being – Yoga with Meditation Mutha When I was working in corporate America I had an awful morning habit. The alarm would go off, I would immediately grab my phone… Continue Reading →
Overcoming the Holiday Yoga Blues – Yoga with Meditation Mutha I have been trying holiday yoga themes to do a lot of the fun Austin-y things to celebrate the yoga holidays like touring some… Continue Reading →