I was coming out of the gym the other morning and overheard a little girl who was about three-years old talking to her mom. She said “A healthy mind is a healthy body”. What incredible wisdom and so amazingly true.
What we think, whether positive or negative, has a huge effect on the health of our body. For instance, if we say, “I’m getting sick” you better believe your body is going to obey your words and you will most likely find yourself ill shortly after your statement. But, if you start to feel a tickle in your throat and instead you say “My body is in optimal health and can protect me from any ailments,” your body will take your words at face-value and kick the healing process into high gear.
In this way, your body is constantly responding to the signals it receives from your mind, whether consciously or subconsciously. It takes these messages literally and immediately initiates action to complete the “desired” task. Therefore, it is extremely important to intentionally communicate positive feedback to our bodies through gratitude to cultivate pure health and wellness.
This week’s FREE 10-minute mindful meditation class, Yoga for a Healthy Mind, is all about directing your awareness to each part of your body to provide extreme gratitude for all of the incredible things they do for you on a daily basis. Through intentional meditation and visualization, we will generate conditions for a healthy body, mind and spirit.
Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to elevate your mind-body relationship. Enjoy!#yogawithmeditationmutha #meditationmutha
Please SUBSCRIBE to the Yoga with Meditation Mutha YouTube channel to be the first to receive new weekly videos.Looking for an opportunity to support a healthy mind and body? I am so excited to be hosting four incredible retreats this year to include:
Spring Women’s Weekend Wellness Retreat – April 24th-26th
Women’s Relaxation Day Retreat – March 27th
Costa Rica Retreat – July 18th-25th
Fall Women’s Weekend Retreat – October 9th-11th
Check out below for details about these exciting retreats coming up in 2020!

Women’s Day Retreat
Finding Your Flow
Hawk Shadow Vineyard
Dripping Springs, Texas
Friday, March 27th, 2020
Click for Details!

Women’s Spring Weekend Wellness Retreat
“Stepping into Your Creative Power”
Ruby Ranch Lodge
Buda, Texas
April 24th-26th, 2020
Click for Details and to Register TODAY!

Costa Rica Yoga Retreat
Anamaya Resort
July 18th-25th, 2020
Click for Details!

Lotus Ranch
Wimberley, Texas
October 9th-11th, 2020
Click on the link for retreat details!