During quarantine, I have donated myself to be a human mannequin for my daughter Kayla’s entertainment. You should see the creative hairstyles and makeup designs she has so eloquently delivered to transform my minimalistic look into one with extensive pizzazz.
Along with cleaning out closets and re-staining the deck, we have effectively occupied our time during Austin’s “Stay at Home” orders. I’m sure there are endless activities you are participating in to make the extra time you have on your hands useful.
The wonderful thing about a not-so-wonderful virus is I see families walking in the park together, parents playing ball with their kids, neighbors checking in on each other and people reconnecting with distant loved ones on Zoom calls to stay connected. These acts of human to human bonding provide a sense of community and security that has been severely lacking since the onset of the technology wave.
When I take a look at the big picture of the current events that have put an entire planet on pause for a while, I can’t help but think that the Corona Virus was Mother Nature’s cry for a time out from all the chaotic imbalance in the world. I feel like this drastic measure was taken, so we could slow down and contemplate what is important in our lives.
Enjoy spending more quality time with your family during this unique situation? Ponder a way to work from home a few days a week, once the quarantine has lifted. In a relationship or living situation that no longer serves you? Contemplate how to release those circumstances to make room for opportunity and abundance to flow into your life. Still questioning the woo woo concept, “We are all one, we are all connected?” Now more than ever, COVID-19 has provided an opportunity to clearly see how we are residing in an extensive web of connection and how we deeply affect everything around us.
We have been given the gift of time, normally filled with distractions like social media, running to activities and checking off to-do lists. Why not use the extra minutes in your day for a little self-reflection? We do not have to come out of this global reprieve, the same person who entered into it. We can change our perspective. We can change our situation. We can change our life. We can change the world…
This week’s 35-minute FREE Yin Yoga Class, Yin Yoga for Inner Reflection, is all about taking a deep look at your life and mindfully releasing things that no longer serve you to make room for you to create the life you were meant to live.
Through yin postures such as pigeon, fire toes, and dolphin and visualizations, you will bring awareness to relationships, careers, living conditions, beliefs and self-talk that block you you from residing at your highest vibration. We will clear space to fill your life with your ultimate passions.
Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to use the extra time you have to intentionally direct your spirit on your life’s path. Subscribe to my Yoga with Meditation Mutha Youtube Channel to be the first to receive new, FREE weekly videos. Enjoy! #yogawithmeditationmutha#meditationmutha