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    Why Self-Care Matters in the Storm

    Last weekend a couple of girlfriends and I went to see a local 80’s rock cover band called LC Rocks. I hadn’t seen them in years and nothing changed from 20 years ago. The band members were all decked out in ripped jeans, chains, leather and cut off t-shirts with their long hair blowing in the breeze singing their hearts out. Their performance was so authentic it felt like we were listening to the actual band with every song.

    The highlighted was when they pulled the three of us up on stage to celebrate my girlfriend’s birthday. We had a blast dancing our butts off and pretending like we were in high school again!

    Man, we all needed a great night out to let off some steam after the crazy week we all experienced with what is happening in the world. I consider dancing as part of my self-care practice. It is a way to step away from the chaos for a moment, move my body, listen to some great music, connect with others and do something I love. I always feel transformed after a good night of dancing.

    We all need a self-care practice that resets our body and mind and enlivens our spirit. When life feels unsteady and outside chaos seeps into your soul, self-care isn’t just a luxury, it’s a necessity. It’s your anchor, your breath of fresh air, your way back home to yourself.

    When everything feels uncertain, self-care creates stability. It reminds your nervous system that you are safe, that you are held. It’s not about elaborate routines or perfection; it’s about small, intentional moments that bring you back to center.

    -A deep breath before you start your day.

    -A warm cup of tea, held close to your heart.

    -A walk in nature, letting the wind remind you that you are full of life.

    -A few minutes of journaling, releasing the weight of your thoughts.

    -A song that lifts your spirit and moves your soul.

    -A night out with friends to shake your booty on the dance floor.

    These aren’t just acts of self-care. They are tiny ways of saying, I am worthy of peace. I am allowed to rest. I am here, and that is enough.

    I invite you to take a moment to check in with yourself. What do you need right now? A pause? A stretch? A glass of water? Whatever it is, give yourself permission to have it.

    The world may be chaotic, but you don’t have to be. You are your own sanctuary. You are your own home.

    by Kim Goyette

    This week’s 15 minute Yin Yoga for Self Care class is all about slowing down and nourishing yourself. Through postures like Twists, Child’s Pose and Happy Baby we will release what no longer serves us and then invite self-love into our body and mind. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to nurture your inner child. Enjoy!

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