This past weekend I did a fun staycation with some of my favorite girlfriends. We got an Airbnb in Austin and emersed ourselves in three days of inspirational workshops at a local festival. We practiced lots of meditation and other tools for self-regulation, dancing and a celebration. Along with tons of giggles and laughter, it was a much needed opportunity to reset.
On the last evening of our soiree, we decided to pile into the car and go two-stepping. Singing along the short journey, we were close to one block away from the country bar and all of a sudden we heard a loud explosion. We pulled over on a side street only to find that we had blown out two tires! Yikes!
I just love how a gaggle of ladies can spring into action to resolve the issue so seamlessly…
“Everyone OK?” – Check
“I’ll call AAA.” – Check
“They will be here in 45 minutes.” – Check
“Let’s walk the block and go dancing in the meantime!” – Check
We got our boogie on, met the tow truck an hour later and hitched a ride with him back to our place. Simple as that!
How did we take what could have been a very stressful situation and manage it with ease? We were able to take the lessons from the workshops and apply them to real life.
Responding to life in a regulated way is an exercise. Controlling your nervous system is like weight training at the gym. It takes continuous repetition to develop the muscle of how you react to a stimulus. The more you practice calming your mind through efforts like meditation, breath work and yoga, the better you will be prepared for game day when the Sh-t hits the fan. There is no doubt that this crazy world will provide plenty of opportunity for practice.
Looking for a way to regulate your nervous system before the holiday bedlam? Scroll down and join me for this week’s Yoga to Regulate the Nervous System and take your first step towards peace in the chaos. Enjoy!
Quick Health Tips
This Product was a Lifesaver…
Do you suffer from muscle aches, stiffness or pain? Maybe it’s because you did a strenuous workout or maybe it is seemingly for no reason at all. This was exactly my experience this past year.
I have always been flexible throughout my entire life until…I hit perimenopause. I have to say this year has been a whirlwind of unusual symptoms. The one that effected me the most was extreme tightness and cramping in my muscles. In June, the pain was so intense that I could barely walk.
A friend who had been agonizing over the same symptoms said she got significant relief from Thorne’s high quality Catalyte Electrolytes. I was in so much pain I immediately ordered some. Within just a few days of adding the Catalyte Electrolytes to my water, my muscles started to relax and become more pliable, and just a week later I was able to walk normally again!
If you know me, then you understand that I only recommend products that I where have experienced direct personal success and this one was a life saver! I add a pinch of electrolytes to every glass of water when I wake up, before and after I exercise and before I go to bed. Catalyte has the perfect blend of high quality electrolytes without the sugar, which allows muscles to efficiently absorb the water and stay hydrated.
I am so grateful I experienced relief from this product that I want to share the same opportunity with you. That is why for one week only Meditation Mutha is offering 25% off of Thorne’s Catalyte Electrolytes. Whether you are an athlete or just want to maintain healthy muscles and joints, this is a great chance to save on this quality product. Discount automatically taken at checkout. My intention is to support the highest form of your wellness journey!

This week’s 14 minute Yoga for Regulating the Nervous System is all about using breathing technique and postures that calm your mind and sooth your soul. The breath is a powerful tool for self-regulation. We will be participating in “Box Breathing” which is an excellent way to turn on the parasympathetic nervous system and return to a balanced state fast. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to bring peace into your body and mind. Enjoy!
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