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the power of collective energy

    The Power of Collective Energy – Meditation Mutha

    Yesterday I participated in the Women’s March that was held in Austin. A few girlfriends, my mom and I went downtown to support natural born rights for all humans. I loved witnessing a vast array of genders, races and backgrounds arriving at a single gathering to be witness to one another.

    This peaceful movement demonstrated what democracy represents. It was an opportunity to voice deep concern about the rights our ancestors fought so hard to achieve which now are being threatened.

    Why did we gather? Because the combined power of many is greater than the power of one. When you are amongst a group with positive intentions the energy of each individual magnifies and elevates the collective.

    I have found this to be true in the women’s retreats I hold. When we gather with pure intentions and open hearts the best version of ourselves steps forward and presents as support, love and compassion for one another. We can truly listen and be heard, seen and held. And, we can be playful, creative and present. When women get together magic happens!

    If you have not experienced this type of unconditional love and support from your circle of women, then I would love for you to join us for the Awaken to Your Highest Purpose Women’s Weekend Retreat this April. It is such a special event. Click the link for details!

    by Kim Goyette

    This week’s 18 minute Hatha Yoga Class, Yoga for Magnifying Your Power is all about elevating to your highest vibration. Through breath work and postures that draw your energy up through your system, we will amplify our energetic state to increase our lifeforce. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to accelerate your mind, body and spirt. Enjoy!

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