2020 marks the anniversary of me teaching yoga for a decade! This calls for a celebration, considering how much yoga has transformed my life over the past 10-years. I am literally a totally different human than I was before I started teaching.
When I registered for my 200-hour training, my initial thought was “Cool, I’ll get to learn all kinds of funky postures”. But, as I dove into my course, I found there was so much more to yoga than just tying yourself up in a pretzel. In fact, I soon realized that’s not what yoga was about at all.
During the class, every new limb of yoga led me down a different pathway I had no idea existed. We studied energy, breath, meditation, Ayurveda, digestion, movement and so much more. Each topic was endlessly interesting to me.
But, there was one thing that opened my eyes to a whole different view of my life. We learned that every facet of yoga was a powerful tool that could be used to self-regulate. By focusing on different breathing techniques and using varying yoga postures, one could choose to elevate or relax their own mood and energy level.
You mean, I didn’t have to walk around aimlessly being directed by the roller coaster of my emotions? I actually had some control over how I felt inside and how I responded to the outside world? Wow! What I would give to have known these tools when I was a teenager. Or a toddler for that matter!
The thought of having the power to govern my own energy level and disposition propelled me further into educating myself on how breath, movement and meditation affected my mental, physical and spiritual state.
And, what I found out was the breath is such a simple yet powerful tool. We use our breath subconsciously to relax or wake up our body. Yawning and sighing are great examples of each. But, when mindfully focusing your attention on enhancing the inhale, you can generate a significant increase in energy. And when purposefully lengthening the exhale, you can bring your buzzing mind back down to a grounded state-of-being.
Likewise, performing heart-opening exercises will boost your vigor and mood. And in reverse, engaging in forward folds will root your swirling energy to make you feel safe and secure.
This week’s 28-minute FREE Hatha Flow yoga class, Yin Yoga for Regulating Mood, using breath and movement as tools to control how you feel. By adjusting the inhale and exhale and using heart-openers and forward folds as resources, we can mindfully adjust our emotional state back into balance.
Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to discover simple vehicles for self-regulation that will enhance your well-being. Enjoy#yogawithmeditationmutha#meditationmutha
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Want to enhance your mood? Pure cacao has a powerful effect on enhancing heart energy…
Come join me this February for a Sacred Cacao Ceremony to honor LOVE. Registration now OPEN!
And check out below for three more exciting retreats coming up in 2020!

Women’s Sacred Cacao Ceremony to Honor Love
Southwest Austin
Thursday, February 13th, 2020
Click for Details!

Women’s Spring Weekend Wellness Retreat
“Stepping into Your Creative Power”
Ruby Ranch Lodge
Buda, Texas
April 24th-26th, 2020
Click for Details and to Register TODAY!

Costa Rica Yoga Retreat
Anamaya Resort
July 18th-25th, 2020
Click for Details!

Lotus Ranch
Wimberley, Texas
October 9th-11th, 2020
Click on the link for retreat details!