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    Leading with Kindness – Yoga with Meditation Mutha

    Leading with Kindness

    Things have felt intense with tension building in the political arena and the state of the world. Add this to the daily challenges of life and it can make anyone feel overwhelmed. Feeling out of control may generate additional emotions such as anger and sadness which can cause unusual behavior.

    I personally have witnessed Facebook “friends” expressing their frustrations with hate posts about candidates and other sensitive topics. It has shocked me to see so much passion behind spreading hate. I know the root cause is their own internal pain and suffering being reflected out to the world.

    Instead of joining the “hate” bandwagon and adding to the problem, I invite you to be a part of the solution. You have the power to elevate the frequency of the planet. Yes YOU!

    Leading with kindness is an incredible tool to change the dynamics of a relationship, shift emotional vibration and transform anger to love. Spreading kindness can be done directly through simple acts of thoughtfulness and deep connection. Or, it can be accomplished from a distance with visualization and intention.

    Come join me for this week’s short 6 minute Spreading Kindness Meditation, where we use our breath to take away suffering and replace it with the high vibrational state of love. Enjoy!

    Author – Kim Goyette

    This week’s 6 minute Spreading Kindness Meditation is all about sharing the peace within your heart with others. We will use our breath to take away any pain and suffering from an individual or group who could use a little love and then fill them with kindness from our breath. This black and white breathing meditation is a powerful tool to use, especially if you can not connect with someone directly. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to spread kindness around the world. Enjoy!

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