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maintaining muscle for aging adults

    Holiday Peace of Mind – Yoga with Meditation Mutha

    To my amazement, my 18-year old daughter still wants to hang out with me! So, I have been taking the opportunity in her last year at the house to do a lot of fun holiday activities. We made a gingerbread house, drank lots of hot cocoa, walked the Trail of Lights and watched all of the classic Christmas movies. My husband joined us the other night to go ice skating and drive by all of the lights. We have been diving into the holiday season.

    Although the holidays can be filled with joy, for many it can be a very stressful time of year. Unlike the natural world of plants and animals, which are winding down for the winter, humans ramp up with more activity. The race to finish shopping before the big day, fighting crowds and traffic, attending more festive events and gatherings with friends and family can feel chaotic.

    It is important to take a moment and reset the nervous system, so you can be present and truly enjoy the spirit of the holidays. So, before you run to your next celebration, scroll down and come join me for this weeks Yin Yoga for Holiday Peace of Mind and arrive as the best version of yourself. Meditation Mutha wishes you a magical holiday season!

    Quick Health Tips

    It is Essential to Maintain Muscle Mass as You Age…

    Did you know that muscle loss is one of the biggest challenges of aging? Maintaining muscle mass and strength are imperative for healthy, independent living throughout our lifespan. Starting as early as 30 years old, we begin to lose muscle slowly through a process called sarcopenia. This process speeds up during middle age+ with hormone changes and can lead to muscle weakness, instability, bone loss, frailty, and ultimately injury and loss of independence.

    I experienced this directly due to hormone changes and lost five pounds of muscle seemingly overnight. This lead to instability in my hip and challenges with basic movement.

    It is essential to maintain muscle mass as we age, so we can live a high quality of life. The best way to support muscle growth is through resistance and weight-bearing exercises. As we engage in these types of movements our muscles and tendons experience small tears that heal stronger.

    For the best results it is important to feed the muscles with protein during the healing process. As we age, the body requires more protein to preserve muscle performance. Active men and women in their 50’s need 0.75 times their body weight in grams of protein per day.

    For me, that is almost 95 grams of protein per day! Considering an egg has only 6 grams of protein, it is hard to imagine eating enough quality food to support my minimum requirements. That is why I started using protein powder to supplement my daily protein intake. And, I am happy to say that this additional nutrition along with intentional weight training has produced excellent results with increased muscle mass, strength and stability over time.

    Thorne produces one of the highest quality protein powders in the industry. This product is designed for athletes, aging adults and anyone requiring additional support for maintaining muscle mass. It is great tasting, chemical free, comes in two flavors and provides 21 grams of protein with every serving.

    I am so dedicated to helping women and men thrive throughout the aging process that for this week only I am offering a special 25% discount off of Thorne Whey Protein Isolate!

    Whether you are an athlete or just want to maintain healthy muscles and joints, this is a great chance to save on this quality product. Discount automatically taken at checkout. My intention is to support the highest form of your wellness journey!

    Do the holidays have you feeling scattered? Feeling stressed about spending time with friends or family? Join me for this weeks Yin Yoga for Holiday Peace of Mind and give yourself a quick 9 Minute Nervous System Reset. This is the perfect yin yoga sequence to calm the body and the mind before you jump into the chaos of the holiday season. Walk into family gatherings feeling totally at ease as we move through three easy yoga postures that turn on your parasympathetic nervous system. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to show up as the best version of you and enjoy the holiday season!

    Please subscribe to the Yoga with Meditation Mutha Youtube Channel to be the first to receive weekly videos.