I feel so very lucky that I have family in the local area so we can quarantine together. My brother, sister-in-law and nephews and my parents live only a few minutes away. And my mother and father-in-law live just a little out of town. So, we have had the opportunity to spend time together during these unique circumstances.
Under our recent conditions, it can feel very lonely and isolating when you can not make in person connections. Humans are meant to hug, hold hands and enjoy the smile on a loved one’s face.
Being a total hugger myself, I am having a very hard time not being able to squeeze my family when I see them. I find myself restraining from pinching everyone’s butts during a social distancing visit. And when we go for six foot separation walks, the magnetic pull between us makes us drift towards each other and we continuously have to scurry away.
To satisfy my need for human connection, I have tapped into a special resource. Although we may not physically be able to have presence with the ones we love, there is no level of quarantine requirements that can stand between the energetic connection we have with them.
This week’s 30-minute FREE Hatha Flow Yoga Class, Yoga for Energetic Connection, is all about building up your own personal energy, so you can share it with others from a distance. Through yoga postures that close our energy circuit and cascading breath work that amplifies our magnetic energy field, we will grow our life force and use visualization to connect with loved ones. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to bond human to human, no matter what the physical barrier.
And if you are looking for deeper connection with your family, I am so excited to announce that the meditation I recorded, Healing Your Ancestral Lineage, has been approved by Insight Timer, a meditation app. This meditation has been designed to help you clear negative patterns and thoughts that have been passed down from generation to generation and repair and nurture relationships with your own wise and loving ancestors. Click on the link to join me in this opportunity free unprocessed emotions within your lineage and help to heal a link in the endless chain of your ancestors.
And if this meditation calls to you, I would love for you to rate it and leave a comment on the app. The more comments and ratings, the higher the meditation rises in the search and the more people it can heal. So grateful for your support!
Healing Your Ancestral Lineage Meditation
Please subscribe to my Yoga with Meditation Mutha Youtube Channel to be the first to receive new, FREE weekly videos. And check out www.meditationmutha.com to learn about national and international yoga retreats and events happening this year. Enjoy! #yogawithmeditationmutha#meditationmutha
Yoga with Meditation Mutha