I was so disappointed to only get five trick-or-treaters this year, when we normally get 50 kids. Austin had the coldest Halloween on record since 1991 and I think all these warmed-blooded Texas wussies chose to enjoy their festivities indoors.
Growing up in New York, I remember dressing up in my ballerina outfit, loading on a thick jacket, scarves, gloves and boots to trek through the snow for hours just to get a coveted sweet. And we didn’t have these easy trick-or-treating neighborhoods, where it’s flat and you could hit 15-houses in a minute because they are lined up in a row.
No, we had to climb up hills both ways, gripping handrails for dear life as we pulled ourselves up the icy front door stairs. Our teeth chattering as we tried to announce the infamous Halloween chant in hopes of a big reward for all our efforts, only to receive a handful of pennies from old Mrs. Jones who lived down the street.
Needless to say, I didn’t have a lot of compassion for my daughter when she texted me on this 45 degree night and said she wanted to get picked up because she was freezing. “It’s only eight o’clock!” I exclaimed. “Get back out there and earn your candy. You can’t give up yet!” So, I picked up her and her friends and drove them to a neighbor’s who was making s’mores over an open fire in front of his house. Kids these days…toughen up!
Although my sympathy is low for this situation, there is something to be said about the change of season. With colder weather upon us, it is important to recognize our need to stoke our internal fire, aka our metabolism. Just as the animals begin to move towards hibernation this time of year, so do our bodies. They naturally run a little slower to instinctively conserve energy during the long winter months.
Eating warm, savory foods, and adding a little oil and spices to your meals is a great way to keep you cozy from the inside out. Another way is to adjust your yoga practice to increase heat.
This week’s 15-minute Hatha Yoga Class, Yoga for Stoking Your Fire, is all about creating heat in your yoga practice. Through Ujjayi breath work, asana and visualization, you will be able to enhance your internal energy to keep you motivated and joyous through the chilly season. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to rev up your internal flame. Enjoy! #yogawithmeditationmutha#meditationmutha
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