Kicking Your Butt – Yoga with Meditation Mutha I love to run for several reasons. The first is the runner’s high I get which activates all the happy hormones in my body.… Continue Reading →
Spring Rejuvenation – Yoga with Meditation Mutha Several years ago, one spring day I arrived at my house to find a tremendous potted plant sitting at my front door. The flowers… Continue Reading →
Caring for Your Back – Yoga with Meditation Mutha This week my husband, Scott, and I headed down to San Antonio for a night to celebrate his birthday. While we walked around the… Continue Reading →
Honoring Your Ancestors – Yoga with Meditation Mutha This week is coming up on the anniversary of my dad’s passing. I truly can not believe that it has been a year since… Continue Reading →
Yoga and Safari Retreat – Tanzania, Africa – February 4th-16th, 2023 Several years ago when I first started holding women’s retreats, we were sitting in opening circle sharing what we would like to attract into… Continue Reading →
Using Your Personal Power to Support World Peace – Yoga with Meditation Mutha There is a lot of heaviness in the world with the recent devastation occurring overseas. When things happen that are out of our control… Continue Reading →
Increasing Stamina – Yoga with Meditation Mutha This past weekend my husband, Scott, and I went out to San Francisco to celebrate my birthday with my brother and sister-in-law. Within minutes… Continue Reading →
Self Love is in the Air – Yoga with Meditation Mutha Although many people think Valentine’s Day is a Hallmark Card created holiday, it is one of my favorite days of the year. Maybe it… Continue Reading →
Enlivening Your Being – Yoga with Meditation Mutha This past year my heart has felt like it has been surrounded by a brick wall. Although my Dad’s recent passing had a lot… Continue Reading →
Overcoming Depression – Yoga with Meditation Mutha I received some heartbreaking news this week that an old high school friend took his life. I sat in shock for several days reflecting… Continue Reading →