Managing Agitation – Yoga with Meditation Mutha If unusually extreme heat of 110 degrees in Texas does not get you agitated, then I don’t know what will. I have been feeling… Continue Reading →
Accomplishing Your Goals – Yoga with Meditation Mutha Four years ago today, we were just at the start of our year long journey around the world. My vision was to create a… Continue Reading →
Deep Restorative Sleep – Yoga with Meditation Mutha When traveling half way around the world to The Maldives, no one ever tells you the significant impact jet lag has on your body… Continue Reading →
Relaxation to Increase Health – Yoga with Meditation Mutha Taking a vacation provides so many health benefits to the body and the mind. It is a time to disconnect from your mundane routine… Continue Reading →
Keeping Cool this Summer – Yoga with Meditation Mutha I can not believe it has been exactly a year to the day that I published my first book Just Plane Crazy! The Ultimate… Continue Reading →
Finding Perfection in the Imperfection – Yoga with Meditation Mutha We recently completed a big renovation project in our two bathrooms and they came out amazing! Everything was perfect until it rained a week… Continue Reading →
Improving Circulation – Yoga with Meditation Mutha My absolute favorite Austin tradition, Eeyore’s Birthday, was this past weekend. Yes, it is a festival to celebrate Eeyore the donkey from Winnie the… Continue Reading →
Cultivating Unity – Yoga with Meditation Mutha I am on an absolute high coming off of one of the most powerful and inspiring Women’s Weekend Wellness Retreat to date. I am… Continue Reading →
Creating Space – Yoga with Meditation Mutha Spring is one of my favorite seasons because it is in perfect alignment with my minimalistic vibes. Whether it is raking all the leaves… Continue Reading →
Kicking Your Butt – Yoga with Meditation Mutha I love to run for several reasons. The first is the runner’s high I get which activates all the happy hormones in my body.… Continue Reading →