As the winter solstice quickly approaches, and nature begins to slow its pace, it’s the perfect time of year to sit quietly and tune into the needs of your body and mind. The natural world wants us to draw inward and reflect on all the experiences that occurred this last time around the sun. While, the commercial world yanks on us to get out and do, do, do.
I often hear in the yoga classes I teach, “I’m not an advanced yogi, because my wrists hurt during practice and I can’t do all those fancy poses.” In which I reply, “Experienced yoga practitioners aren’t the ones that wrap themselves up into a pretzel. They are skilled in tuning into their body and mind, and able to make small adjustments and modifications to meet themselves where they are in that moment.” A deep yoga practice is all about feeling more and responding to your ever changing requirements.
Tis’ the season for more self care. This week’s 20-minute FREE Hatha Yoga Class, Yoga for Supporting Your Wrists, is all about tuning into to what your body needs in your yoga practice. Through wrist exercises, wrist stretches, hand plant modifications and wrist yoga modifications, you will be empowered to adjust your yoga practice to best support your body and mind.
Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to align your yoga practice with what your body needs on a daily basis. Enjoy!#yogawithmeditationmutha#meditationmutha
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Extra Pack of Peanuts Podcast
If you haven’t checked it out already, Scott and I had such a fun time being interviewed about our year-long trip around the world by Travis Sherry with the “Extra Pack of Peanuts” podcast. He caught us at the very tail end of the adventure and captured a lot of emotion and reflection about our journey. If you ever thought of taking some time off for long term travel or you’re interested in learning about some of the hilarious stories that happened along the way, click on the link above to check it out. It’s pretty entertaining! #extrapackofpeanuts #goyetteworldadventure