My husband Scott and I escaped for a long weekend to Mexico City and I have to say it is one of my new favorite cities on the planet. I was so impressed with the cleanliness of the streets and parks. Everywhere we turned there was someone sweeping to keep the area beautiful. The food was amazing and we truly enjoyed popping into the sidewalk cafes for a delicious treat and to people watch. The pocket neighborhoods were charming with incredible nature weaved along the meandering paths that rolled by tons of shops and restaurants. And, the people were so warm and welcoming, greeting us with a smile as we passed on the street.
A highlight of our excursion was a hot air balloon ride over the Teotihuacan Aztec pyramids. This experience was a first for me and I have to admit, I was a little nervous. My cares quickly melted away witnessing more than 50 hot air balloons rising into the sky at sunrise. The sight was absolutely magical and the sensation of floating was so relaxing as we made our way towards the ruins.
Elevating to this height for almost an hour gave me time to truly absorb a new perspective. We cascaded over the homes of locals who waved as they were doing their daily chores. Approaching the pyramids, we had a bird’s eye view of a life that existed more than 500 years ago. I was awestruck imagining what it was like to live in a time where the sun and the moon were so revered that pyramids were constructed to honor these gods.
Sometimes changing our viewpoint is exactly what we need to see things in a different light. As we elevate our own personal energy to a higher vibration, this provides an opportunity to step back and be an observer of each situation we encounter. In doing so, we can better understand all of the facts and what is true, so we can make an educated decision on our response.
I invite you to be a witness to your own life. Elevate to a higher perspective so you can fully comprehend the truth behind the circumstances.
Are you looking for an opportunity to elevate to a higher perspective? Then come join us for a powerful weekend of self-discovery at the Awaken to Your Highest Purpose Women’s Weekend Retreat this April. Click for details!

This week’s 20 minute Hatha Flow Class, Yoga for Elevating Energy is focused on increasing energy from the inside out. Through a special breath technique that enhances the inhale and movements that lift energy up, we will will elevate every cell in our being. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to exist in your highest vibrational state. Enjoy!
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