I don’t know if it was the massive amount of cacao I drank during our virtual cacao ceremony or the incredible energy I felt from the beautiful group of women who attended our at-home mini retreat, “Cultivating Creative Energy”, but I’ve been high as a kite all day. I absolutely loved that everyone showed up with open hearts to encourage their inspirations and develop their passions.
I had the honor of partnering with my good friend, Laura Wall, on creating this incredible experience. During her workshop today, she mentioned that sometimes when we have a lack of resources, it forces us to step into our most creative and imaginative nature.
That hits the nail right on the head, when describing these unique times that we are currently facing. We are bound to our homes with limited access to activities and resources. What’s a person to do to fill their time?
Boredom is the perfect catalyst to inspire imagination. In the past, we have focused so much of our attention on external activities to entertain us. With all that stimuli temporarily put on hold, lets reach deep into our internal creative center to help us manifest our innovative ideas.
And where does that creative space reside within our body? Your Sacral Chakra in your hip region of course. The area of the body where PROcreation (for creation) occurs. Not only do we physically birth beings from this space. But, we birth new ideas and generate our dreams which manifest into reality from this energy center.
Many times, throughout our life, we may feel like we have fallen away from creativity. But, creativity is always there. Each one of us was born with it. And we have the ability to access it at any time. Our blockage of inspiration comes when our heart stops communicating with our womb where we bring all things to life.
This week’s 24-minute FREE Hatha Yoga Class, Yoga for Cultivating Creativity, is all about tapping into your Sacral Chakra, the energy center that houses your creativity. Through hip openers like low lunges and bound angle pose and a visualization meditation, we will move blocked energy to allow inspiration to flow into our system. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Click the video below and join me in this opportunity to clear barricades to let your imagination fly. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to my Yoga with Meditation Mutha Youtube Channel to be the first to receive new, FREE weekly videos. Enjoy! #yogawithmeditationmutha#meditationmutha

Looking to reestablish balance in your world and connect with high vibe beings? Join us for Friday Yoga for Connection every week at 12 pm CST. It’s a wonderful way to wind down for the weekend and enjoy each other’s company virtually. We will use Zoom video conferencing to enjoy a live yoga class from the comfort of your home. The class is just $7 and all members of your household are welcome to join. To register, please make your payment via Venmo or Paypal to kimf4mb@gmail.com the Wednesday before class and I will send login information that Thursday. See you there!
Yoga with Meditation Mutha

At-Home Mini Retreat for Women
I am so grateful to all the women who showed up with open hearts and minds for this incredible virtual retreat for women. And special appreciation goes out to my partner, Laura Wall, for always weaving her expansive imagination into everything she creates!