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    Why the Bully Mindset is a Waste of Energy

    (and How Love Wins Every Time)

    When I was in middle school there was a girl who liked to pick on me and my friends. She got left back a couple of times and seemed like a full grown woman, while we were still little girls. We were all intimidated by her and her gang.

    One day my mom dropped me and my friend off at the mall to hang out, as you do in the 80’s. As, we were walking inside, the bully was walking out with her friend. She stared at me and my tiny sidekick and said in a scary voice “What are you looking at?” Something inside me got up the courage to answer back in a snide reply, “Nothing much!” (Oh yeah! I was a master of words back then 🙂

    I was feeling pretty tough for about two seconds until she pointed at me and said “You! Outside! Now!” I have to say, after hearing that demand, I almost peed myself. I had never been in a fight in my life.

    I knew I had no choice, so I stepped outside in front of the mall. I looked at my petite friend and knew immediately that she was not going to provide a lot of assistance in this battle. So, I had to think quick.

    She stood across from me with her towering friend at her side and yelled “Take the first punch!”, expecting me to back down. I thought to myself “Enough is enough!” I gathered every brave cell in my body, stepped right in her face and screamed “You hit ME first!”

    I saw her eyes widen, shocked that I stood up to her. She backed away from me, turned to her friend and said “Let’s get out of here. She’s not worth it. I don’t want to go back to Juvy.” They promptly turned around and walked away. And, they never bothered us again!

    Thank goodness, because I’m a lover, not a fighter…

    Let’s talk about energy, our most valuable resource. Every thought, word, and action we put into the world carries energy, and we get to decide whether that energy is rooted in love or fear.

    The bully mindset is built on fear; fear of not being enough, fear of losing control, fear of being unseen. But here’s the truth: bullying, whether in subtle or obvious ways, drains both the giver and receiver. It creates division, fuels resentment, and, in the end, achieves nothing of real, lasting value.

    Now, let’s talk about love. Love is inclusive. Love lifts. Love understands that we are all connected. When we operate from love, we build bridges instead of walls. We create relationships based on trust and respect, not intimidation and power struggles.

    Think about the most impactful people in history; the ones who changed the world for the better. Were they bullies? Or were they beacons of love, understanding, and resilience? The answer is clear.

    So today, let’s choose love. Let’s remind ourselves that kindness is not a weakness, it’s a strength. Let’s invest our energy in uplifting, not tearing down. Because love always wins in the long run.

    by Kim Goyette

    This week’s 23-minute Hatha Yoga Class, Yoga for Cultivating Love, is all about recognizing the people you surround yourself with and acknowledging if they fill your cup with love. Through heart and hip opener postures like a dolphin and low lunge, we will magnetize the highest vibrational energy of love into our being. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to intentionally cultivate love in your life. Enjoy!

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