My friend, Lita, always has her imaginative juices flowing. Recently she felt the worldwide pull to let off a little steam. So what did she do? She created a “Cinco de Meow” Virtual Cat Dance Party of course!
Feline costumes were required to attend. So, more than 25 of her fun-loving friends got fully decked out in kitty wear and strutted their tails to cat themed club music.
I have to say, the playful nature of dressing up as my alter ego, Tigra, and showing off my cat twerk was just the thing I needed to blow off some steam. And, as we cooled down with some inward feline reflection, I thought to myself, this is exactly what I needed.
We all have a lot of emotions swirling around inside us. With our new, unique conditions, anger, frustration and resentment might be at the top of your list right about now. All those fiery feelings are generated in your gut. No wonder this region is called the solar (sun) plexus.
Do not worry if you are feeling a heightened sense of agitation. With the warm weather creeping up upon us and restricted living circumstances making everything a little more challenging, it is the perfect storm to have these emotions right now. The important thing is that we recognize how we are feeling in the moment and then find a way to release those energies, so they do not get stuck inside us and eventually manifest as ailment.This week’s 23-minute FREE Hatha Flow Yoga Class, Yoga for Core Strength to Release Anger, is all about creating heat in your gut to burn off any energies of anger, frustration, resentment and agitation. Through asana such as planks, knee tucks and dolphin pose and pranayama like breath of fire, we will move these distracting energies up and out the body.
Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to release emotions and thoughts that no longer serve you. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to my Yoga with Meditation Mutha Youtube Channel to be the first to receive new, FREE weekly videos. Enjoy! #yogawithmeditationmutha #meditationmutha

Looking to reestablish balance in your world and connect with high vibe beings? Join us for “Friday Yoga for Connection” every week at 12 pm CST. It’s a wonderful way to wind down for the weekend and enjoy each other’s company virtually. We will use Zoom video conferencing to enjoy a live yoga class from the comfort of your home. The class is just $7 and all members of your household are welcome to join. To register, please make your payment via Venmo or Paypal to the Wednesday before class and I will send login information that Thursday. See you there!