I have a dear friend, Nuala, who I’ve known more than 40-years. She used to live down the street from me growing up. We spent endless hours at each other’s homes playing dress up or flash light tag. And as the years rolled on our entertainment turned to chasing boys and sneaking out to go to parties down by the lake.
Her Dad recently passed away. He was an incredible person with an animated personality like a cartoon character. I will miss his infectious laughter and welcoming smile. He was one of the few people from the original clan that still lived in the hood and the only connection I had to the old neighborhood when my parents moved away 17-years ago.
As I headed back to NY this weekend to spend time with Nuala and connect with my other besties, Beth and Alisa, I realized this may be my last opportunity to sleep in a home that housed so many of my wonderful childhood memories. It got me thinking about the importance of our roots.
No matter what our stories are from our earlier years, it is imperative that we recognize where we came from. Those experiences and those people in our lives are the foundation from which we have launched into the person we are today.
My daughter, Kayla, had an assignment in Language Arts to write a poem called “I Am From”. What I found interesting was that she was guided to use her five senses to describe where she came from. She wrote,
“I am from warmth,
from hellos and goodbyes.
I am from spices.
Content, vibrant, like a soaring bird.
I’m from wet fur,
glistening collars and sandpaper paws.
From the cracked lips of my parents
as they peck my cheeks and
flour coated hands waving farewell.
I am a closet full of board games.
Missing pieces behind my shelves.
Splintered boxes packed with memories.”
Where are you from? Who and what provided the medium for your roots to grow? This is the star dust stuff you are made from. This is a part of YOU. Honor YOU.
This week’s FREE 20-minute floor hatha yoga class, Yoga for Honoring Your Roots, is all about grounding in the fabric of your life. Through asana and visualization, you will reflect on where you came from and the importance this environment had on your life to make you who you are to date.
Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to use your roots to ground throughout your entire life. Enjoy! #yogawithmeditationmutha#meditationmutha
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