It has felt like I have been holding my breath for three weeks and finally had the opportunity to take a sigh of relief a couple of days ago. Going back to school has been a little challenging for our 12-year old daughter. Not because she doesn’t excel at her studies, but because of those darn tween hormones.
All of us can remember those difficult years when your body and mind are trying to figure out if you’re a kid or an adult. And it can make your emotions absolutely wacky. These powerful chemicals turned a happy, light-hearted girl into an anxious, irrational person who could hardly get out of bed. Her personality was so different, I didn’t even recognize her.
Of course, like every parent, my heart broke, because I felt so helpless I couldn’t make her pain go away. I taught her all my “woo woo” tricks like using lavender oil, massage and a hot bath to relax her. I made her concoctions of healthy stuff like spinach, banana, peanut butter and coconut oil smoothies. And I researched all the natural ways to balance hormones with Vitamin D3, Evening Primrose Oil, Vitamin B6 and Omega 3/6/9. But, nothing changed her mood.
In desperation, I found an excellent video on a Youtube Channel called Natural Health Resources (I highly recommend it if your teen is going through the same struggles) that confirmed I was offering the right supplements and just needed to be patient a couple of weeks until they kicked in. Both of us wrestled with patience as the two weeks of waiting beat us down.
And then one day, as she was getting ready to do her homework (a task that had become extremely stressful for us under these new circumstances), I noticed her singing and dancing. I looked at her in surprise and with caution I said “It seems like you’re feeling a little better today.” “I’m feeling GREAT!” she cheered. And just like that, the veil of gloom lifted and she was back to her smiling self.
Although this period was one of the most challenging experiences I have had as a parent to date, it was also one of the most rewarding. It drove home the lesson that almost everything is temporary. And although your situation may seem like it will be forever, the clouds will eventually part and the sun will reveal itself again. We just need to develop the inner strength to hold on for the ride and believe there is a light somewhere out there.
Don’t worry, I’m not foolish enough to believe that the hormone roller coaster is over (for her or me). I know there will be plenty of emotional ups and downs on the road to come. But, resiliency is one of the most powerful tools we can teach our kids and practice ourselves. It is what gives us the strength to make it through one more day and shine.
This week’s 30-minute FREE Yin Yoga Class, Yoga for Resiliency, is all about riding out the storm both mentally and physically and making it to the other side. Through Yin Yoga Postures, breath work and meditation, we will move towards and through discomfort to build resiliency within our body, mind and spirit.
Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to build strength through surrendering. Enjoy! #yogawithmeditationmutha#meditationmutha
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Check out these exciting retreats coming up this fall.
Women’s Weekend Wellness Retreat
Friday October 4th-6th, 2019
Wimberley, Texas
Saturday October 12th-19th, 2019