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10 minute abs

    Building Core Strength – Yoga with Meditation Mutha

    I have a newfound appreciation for trapeze artists after participating in a weeks worth of lessons on vacation in Cancun. Aside from getting over the fear of leaping off of the edge of a two story platform into the great unknown, the techniques did require some strength and mobility.

    Although our instructors were excellent with guidance, it took me a little while to engage my core in order to lift my legs over the bar in a timely manner. Coordinating the momentum of the trapeze with the timing of the movement was my biggest challenge. But, once I got the “hang” of it, I felt my body flow easily into position.

    Whether you are flying through the air on a trapeze or just walking through a park near your home, core strength is imperative for living a healthy quality of life. Abdominal and back strength allows you to hold your body in alignment, so you can prevent injury of your spine. Core balance assists in stability and helps you continue to do the things you love.

    Scroll down and come join me for this week’s 10 Minute Power Abs and Back Yoga, so you can maintain a healthy body through every stage of life. Enjoy!

    If you want the ultimate way to nourish yourself, then come join us from June 29th-July 6th 2024 for our “Activating to Your Highest Self” Costa Rica Retreat. There are only a few spaces left! Scroll down for details.

    Author – Kim Goyette

    This weeks 10 minute Power Abs and Core Yoga is the perfect quick workout to strengthen your abdominals and back. Try this sequence 2-3 times per week and notice your posture improving and an enhancement to your body’s stability and strength. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to increase your ability to build muscle in your abs and back. Enjoy!

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