New Year’s Manifestation Meditation – Yoga with Meditation Mutha There were many years in my 20’s and early 30’s where I partied until the morning light on New Year’s eve. The celebrations were… Continue Reading →
Protecting Your Energy During the Holidays – Yoga with Meditation Mutha The month of December in our home is a non-stop celebration of holidays. It reminds me of Seinfeld’s “Festivus” because we honor many of… Continue Reading →
Developing Your Sensual Side – Yoga with Meditation Mutha Last weekend I attended the Austin Tantra Festival. Many westerners who hear the word tantra automatically equate it to sex, but in actuality the… Continue Reading →
Celebrating a Festival of Lights – Yoga with Meditation Mutha Tis’ the Season for a commemoration of lights! Many native traditions and religions celebrate in the month of December by igniting candles or stringing… Continue Reading →
A Practice in Quick Sickness Recovery – Yoga with Meditation Mutha Well, I personally know about 20 different people including myself who got hit hard over Thanksgiving with some type of flu. At first I… Continue Reading →
Healthy Holiday Meal Digestion – Yoga with Meditation Mutha I am not perfect, but I eat relatively healthy throughout the year. There are a few occasions where I totally let loose in the… Continue Reading →
Thanksgiving Gratitude for Peace – Yoga with Meditation Mutha The holidays are a great reminder that we have so much to be grateful for in our lives. Abundance flows to us in so… Continue Reading →
Slow Down and Breathe – Yoga with Meditation Mutha This week I had an incredible opportunity to teach yoga in Turks and Caicos. The beautiful crystal blue water and white sand beaches got… Continue Reading →
Laughter is Medicine – Yoga with Meditation Mutha I have a very unique laugh. Many people have told me that my laugh sounds like Fran Drescher from the show “The Nanny”. I… Continue Reading →
Supporting Each Other as One – Yoga with Meditation Mutha Buddhists believe that when you pass away you are reincarnated and your energetic body takes on another form in your next life. The understanding… Continue Reading →