There once was a little girl, who was standing in the kitchen while her mother, grandmother and great grandmother were making dinner. The girl watched her mother prepare the roast and put it into the oven. “Why do you cut off both ends of the roast before you stick it in the pan?” she asked her mom. “I’m not sure. Grandma always did that, so I do it.” she replied.
“Grandma, why do you cut off both ends of the roast before you stick it in the pan?” the little girl asked her granny. “I don’t know. Great Grandma always did that, so I do it.” she explained.
“Great Grandma, why do you always cut off both ends of the roast before you stick it in the pan?” the girl directed to the eldest female in the house. Great Grandma laughed to herself and said “Because the roast was always too big to fit in the pan.”
I love this story, because it demonstrates perfectly how we do things on a daily basis and have no idea why we are doing them. For many of us, our subconscious mind has picked up on habits or thoughts that have been passed down from generation to generation and we do not even understand their origin.
This is true not only for patterns that we mindlessly act out, but also for emotions that we feel. Have you ever had the sense of sadness, loneliness, anger or anxiety stuck in your heart and there is no apparent present reason for these feelings? You may be experiencing an emotion from a trauma or event that happened to one of your ancestors and has been passed down from generation to generation through your DNA.
We see this concept show up when slavery, oppression and war have been part of family history. So, it’s not surprising to see powerful emotions arise from other distresses in your lineage.
In addition to this week’s yoga class, I am so excited to announce that the meditation I recorded, Healing Your Ancestral Lineage, has been approved by Insight Timer, a meditation app. This meditation has been designed to help you clear negative patterns and thoughts that have been passed down from generation to generation and repair and nurture relationships with your own wise and loving ancestors. Click on the link to join me in this opportunity free unprocessed emotions within your lineage and help to heal a link in the endless chain of your ancestors.
And if this meditation calls to you, I would love for you to rate it and leave a comment on the app. The more comments and ratings, the higher the meditation rises in the search and the more people it can heal. So grateful for your support!
Healing Your Ancestral Lineage Meditation
This weeks 21-minute FREE Yin Yoga Class, Yoga for Letting Go of Unhealthy Patterns, is all about releasing physical or mental habitual thoughts and actions that no longer serve you. Through Yin postures such as pigeon ad half happy baby and visualization that brings awareness to unhealthy patterns that we subconsciously play out on a daily basis, we will energetically let go of old emotional habits. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to cleanse yourself of toxic patterns to make room for flow in your life.
Please subscribe to my Yoga with Meditation Mutha Youtube Channel to be the first to receive new, FREE weekly videos. And check out to learn about national and international yoga retreats and events happening this year. Enjoy! #yogawithmeditationmutha #meditationmutha
Yoga with Meditation Mutha
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