Moving from Mundane to Magic – Yoga with Meditation Mutha When we were in Costa Rica for our annual yoga retreat, we had an opportunity to attend a very special event held by a… Continue Reading →
Foam Rolling for a Healthy Life – Yoga with Meditation Mutha When I first started running 25 years ago I rarely had to worry about recovery and injuries from exercise. I would hit the trails… Continue Reading →
Let the Sunshine into Your Life – Yoga with Meditation Mutha The summer sun is still blazing strong in Texas. Unusually high temperatures of 104 degrees for the past three months have made it almost… Continue Reading →
Stretching Your IT Band – Yoga with Meditation Mutha This summer in Texas has been so extremely hot that I stopped running for a few months in fear of passing out on the… Continue Reading →
Relieving SI (Sacroiliac) Joint Pain – Yoga with Meditation Mutha Ever feel a twinge in your back that turns into painful muscle spasms? That is exactly what happened to me after sitting on an… Continue Reading →
Living Just for the Fun of It – Yoga with Meditation Mutha If you know me at all you fully realize that my favorite word is “fun”. I use it all the time as an adjective… Continue Reading →
Connecting with Nature’s Energy – Yoga with Meditation Mutha We had such an incredible week at our 12th annual yoga retreat in Costa Rica. I am so grateful to share this experience with… Continue Reading →
Coming Home – Yoga with Meditation Mutha My husband Scott and I feel so lucky to be heading out to our 12th annual yoga retreat in Costa Rica at the beautiful… Continue Reading →
Opening to Universal Flow – Yoga with Meditation Mutha Have you ever set a goal for yourself and experienced one road block after the other trying to achieve it? When I was younger… Continue Reading →
Core Strength for a Healthy Life – Yoga with Meditation Mutha Exercising your core is more than just looking good for bikini season. Your core, which includes your abdominals, obliques and the muscles in the… Continue Reading →