Be the Hero We Need – Yoga with Meditation Mutha

Be the Hero We Need

In these uncertain times, it feels like the world is changing faster than we can catch our breath. From shifts in government policies to the erosion of civil rights, it is clear we are at a pivotal moment in history; a moment that calls for courage, unity, and love.

We know it’s not easy to witness injustice. But history has taught us that real change happens when ordinary people find the extraordinary strength to stand up for what is right. When we see injustice whether it’s in laws that silence voices, policies that marginalize communities, or actions that strip away human dignity we have a moral responsibility to act.

We all know someone who is currently or will be effected by the recent governmental policies changes. Our neighbors, friends, family members, co-workers, employees and contractors are facing systemic oppression. It is our responsibility as conscious humans to step in, speak up, and protect the vulnerable. Therefore, we need to be the hero someone else needs.

Standing up looks like:

-Calling out harmful actions and language when you see it.

-Supporting organizations that fight for justice and equality.

-Voting for leaders who prioritize humanity over power.

-Showing compassion to those who feel unseen and unheard.

Courage is about acting despite of the fear and courage is contagious. Remember, the small acts of bravery you show have a ripple effect. Each small step builds momentum for change. Fear divides us, but love brings us together. It reminds us that together, we can build a world rooted in equity and compassion.

How will you step up and be the hero we need?

Thank you for being part of this community and for being the light the world so desperately needs.

by Kim Goyette

This week’s 18-minute FREE Hatha Flow Yoga Class, Yoga for Zipping Up Your Energy, is all about creating an energetic shield to protect you from low energy vibrations. During postures such as Warrior II and Locust Pose and a Waterfall Breathing Technique, we will use hand mudras to close our energetic circuit and contain our energy within. This class is perfect for zipping up your energy before interacting with challenging people or engaging in stressful situations. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to rev up your life force to block out energy suckers. Enjoy!

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