Happy Halloween everyone! I hope you gathered up some tricks or treats on the most perfect Saturday evening Halloween under a Blue Moon. You can’t beat it! Can you guess what I was?
Come COVID, quarantine, election chaos, hurricanes and fires; there is nothing that can stop Americans from celebrating this coveted holiday. I was delighted to see more trick or treaters than ever before. I am so happy that families ventured out to enjoy this festive holiday. We all needed a spark to uplift our spirits.
Our patience has been put to the test over the past seven months and it looks like we are headed for more opportunities to practice this skill. Relying on patience allows us to thrive in the middle of a (pardon my French) shit storm. Everyone tells us we need to practice patience. But, some of us are at our wits end and don’t have a drop left.
Luckily, patience is a skill that we can develop. And how do we cultivate this talent? I’ll clue you in on the formula. Stimuli – Pause – Breath – Response. It looks simple on paper, but a little more challenging to deliver.
The next time you are tested by the universe, pause for as long as you can, take a deep inhale and exhale and then respond. That pause gives you time to contemplate your reaction and respond with wisdom instead of emotion. The longer the pause, the more wise you become. In fact, many native traditions suggest we live in the PAUSE. Stimuli-Pause-Breath-Response. Try it this week and let me know how it goes.
This week’s 20-minute FREE Yin Yoga Class, Yoga for Developing Patience, is all about using the breath as a tool to pause between the stimulus and the response. Working with postures that prep you for Frog Pose, we will allow our breath to create space to contemplate a wise reaction.Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to develop your skills for patience with others and yourself and invite wisdom to flourish. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to my Yoga with Meditation Mutha Youtube Channel to be the first to receive new, FREE weekly videos. And check out www.meditationmutha.com to learn about national and international yoga retreats and events happening this year. Enjoy! #yogawithmeditationmutha#meditationmutha
Did you figure out what I was for Halloween? #aglimmerofhope
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